
About This Website


This website was designed to assist people with MND to make decisions for their care and quality of life, particularly when the decision is hard to make, or there is no clear answer. Led by Dr Anne Hogden, an expert panel of people with MND, their family members, health professionals, MND association representatives and researchers worked together to develop these decision support tools. To allow more reading, links to evidence-informed websites have been included. The tools were designed for Australians living with MND, but link to international information sources.

Each person’s decision is based on their individual needs and circumstances. These decision support tools are designed to help people with MND discuss their preferences with their family and MND health professionals. They can be used during a healthcare appointment, or patients and family can use them to gather information about their options before discussing them with health professionals. The tools explain the advantages and disadvantages of each option and guide patients to consider their personal feelings about each choice.

Learn more about this project.

How do I use the tools?

These decision tools guide discussions between people with MND, their health professionals, and family members. Many of the decisions will require consultation with one or more health professionals in MND multidisciplinary clinics, or with your local health professionals. People with MND and their families can also use the tools to gather information and advice about their options before they meet with health professionals. The tools can be printed out as a paper copy if desired.

Some people may find information about MND distressing. Please take your time to read as much information as you are comfortable with before you make your decision. This website contains general information. Contact your MND health professionals and MND Association Advisor for information that is specific to you and your local area. Information about other symptom management decisions that are not on this website can be found at MND Australia. Please leave your comments on the Feedback page, to tell us if the tool was useful to you, and how we could improve it.


We thank the following organisations for their support for this project.